Kids Summer Camp – Thessaloniki and Athens Corps

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts” Psalm 145v4.

This summer, a talented group of Salvationists from the USA Eastern Territory came to serve The Salvation Army in Greece. The team helped to run and serve our children’s summer camps in Thessaloniki and Athens.

Over nearly six weeks the ‘Hands-On’ mission team oversaw a programme of activities, craft and worship. The volunteer team members engaged in all kinds of activities in the cities of Thessaloniki and Athens for a number of weeks. We were excited to see what God did through them!

The team began with a prayer walk around the city of Thessaloniki. This is God’s work after all, and we need to commit all we do to him.

The children engaged in diverse activities that included crafts, games, ‘nerf gun’, laser tag and also included sharing and acting out Bible story games. In addition, the children consumed hotdogs prepared by loving volunteer hands and got to participate in face painting and dancing: all had fun!

The team tried to provide space for creativity: boys and girls – who came excited and left waiting for the next day – painted and played and did their hair too! There was competition and teamwork!

There was a real impact: in Thessaloniki we see saw kids caring for each other and becoming a team, not noticing differences and loving each other just as they are! This was a tangible sign of the ‘Hands-On’ team’s impact.

Kids and adults alike took time to pause and reflect on how the week of fellowship, friendship and learning about God had impacted them. We are confident that seeds which have been sown will bear fruit in his time!

Lieutenant Magda Leveniotis, Assistant Corps Officer in Athens, said:

“We had the beautiful opportunity these past 18 days in July to host in Athens a very beloved and beautiful group from the Eastern Territory of the USA. It has been a special blessing to us personally, to the church members and to the whole community!! We pray that the Team’s return to America will be safe, and they will be renewed with the Spirit of the Lord, ready for new experiences with him! Team “Hands on”, thank you! We will not forget you; we love you!”

Rachel the Team leader said:

The Salvation Army, as a Christian church is a global community and family. We are so grateful for having had the opportunity to visit Greece and we are overjoyed to have had the opportunity to serve here. We had a wonderful time and were blessed. We loved being in Thessaloniki and Athens. We strove to bring the love of Christ, energy, joy, and friendship to the children! We deeply appreciate the privilege of seeing God impact the lives of the children; we will miss the kids and wanted to ensure they all felt loved.”


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