‘Love in Action – A Practical Presence and a Generous Spirit’ – Palamas Aid has had an impact!

In the aftermath of last year’s devastating floods in the Thessaly Region of Greece, The Salvation Army in Greece organized humanitarian aid to be brought into the village of Palamas, Karditsa. On the ground distribution to affected residents was delivered in cooperation with the local Orthodox Church ‘Ieros Naos Agiou Athanasiou, Roum-Palama.’ Bags, mattresses, duvets, pillows, pillowcases and pyjamas were being provided. The aid was funded by our international donors.

In October 2023, Major Annette Rieder-Pell and Dimitra Betsi, Administrative Assistant travelled to Palamas, a small town in the Thessaly Region of Greece, to visit families affected by the recent severe flooding. Heart breaking stories of homes lost and accounts of bravery whilst saving families members were shared in the shelter in a local basketball stadium and during home visits.

To date The Salvation Army, cooperating with the local Orthodox Church for distribution, has provided more than 500 storage bags, dehumidifiers and water filters, new mattresses, sheets, duvets and covers, pillows and pillowcases as well as pyjamas. Further aid will be sent in as funding becomes available.

“The Salvation Army in Greece’s motto is ‘By Your Side’ this is not just a logo, it reflects our commitment to show ‘Love in Action’. Last year’s floods had a devastating impact in Palamas and Karditsa; in response, we have sought to make a tangible difference to this community and for this community; furthermore we are delighted to have served in partnership with the local Orthodox Church.”

Major Annette Rieder-Pell, Regional Officer for Greece, The Salvation Army

Dimitra, Betsi said:

The Salvation Army in Greece stands by the side of people in Palamas (Karditsa) and the wider region to strengthen faith and hope having by our side the courtesy offer of our donors. Our excellent cooperation with the local orthodox church and the charity fund together with citizens have forged a solid friendship to stand up against all odds; no catastrophic event whatsoever can break such bonds. Love and solidarity guide us and have always prevailed over humanitarian and environmental disasters.”

Our partner, the local Orthodox Priest has expressed his gratitude with a letter of thanksgiving to The Salvation Army:


Parish Charity Philoptochos fund

Of the Holy Church of St. Athanasious Roum


A message of thanksgiving towards The Salvation Army in Greeece


On behalf of the members of the Parish Charity Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of St. Athanasius (Roum) Palamas of Karditsa, but also on behalf of the hundreds of people who were benefited from your rich and truly valuable help,  I feel the need to thank you from the depths of my heart for your substantial and varied support and assistance in the trials of the recent months, brought to the lives of our fellow citizens by the floods of September 2023.”

“Your multifaceted assistance in storage bags, new mattresses, sheets, quilts and duvet covers, pillows and pillowcases, pajamas, dehumidifiers and water filters, not only served the livelihood needs of our flooded fellow human beings in the first moments after the flood, but most importantly touched their souls as they felt a helping and supportive hand by their side.”

“I would particularly like to highlight the faces of Major Beat Rieder, Major Annette Rieder-Pell and the administrative assistant Dimitra Betsi, who with their constant and unparalleled support, their ethos, their kindness, their generous spirit and their practical presence taught us all true Christian love and solidarity with our fellow human beings.”

“I wholeheartedly wish that our Most Merciful and Bestowing Lord will grant you health – spiritual and physical – strength and enlightenment in your important work and every blessing to all of you.”

For the Steering Committee of the Parochial Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of St. Athanasius  Roum Palamas


Priest Fr. Konstantinos Yoldasis


# ByYourSide

To help resource the ongoing mission of The Salvation Army in Greece please go to this link – https://salvationarmy.gr/donate/